Easter deadline called unlikely; it’s more a hope than reality, state’s D.C. lawmakers say

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Easter deadline called unlikely; it’s more a hope than reality, state’s D.C. lawmakers say Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3/29/2020 WASHINGTON -- Despite President Donald Trump's desire to reopen the country by Easter, most Arkansas congregations aren't decorating eggs or ordering truckloads of lilies. Members of the state congressional delegation say they're skeptical that Arkansas…

Arkansas cases top 400; lab work lags as supplies dearth foils tests access

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Arkansas cases top 400; lab work lags as supplies dearth foils tests access Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3/29/2020 The coronavirus claimed two more lives in Arkansas as of Saturday, and supply-chain issues have bogged down plans to expand testing in the state, officials said Saturday. Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a briefing with reporters that a shortage of supplies and materials to…

U.S. Coronavirus Rescue Boosts Capital for Global Recovery

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U.S. Coronavirus Rescue Boosts Capital for Global Recovery The Wall Street Journal 3/28/2020 The economic aid legislation signed by President Trump on Friday bolsters the international lending institutions that are gearing up for an unprecedented bailout of the global economy. The legislation boosts capital at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the African…

State working through backlog of unemployment claims

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State working through backlog of unemployment claims Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3/28/2020 Arkansas Secretary of Commerce Mike Preston says unemployment claims are backed up, but state officials are working to process those claims. Preston added that the state government will be guaranteeing loans of up to $250,000 for Arkansan businesses, which he said are also being harshly…

Arkansans hightail it to D.C. to help pass relief bill

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Arkansans hightail it to D.C. to help pass relief bill Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3/28/2020 WASHINGTON -- The effort wasn't easy, but members of the House delegation from Arkansas all made it back to Capitol Hill on Friday in time to vote for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. Ultimately, no roll call was taken; the $2 trillion package passed on a voice…

EDC, banks to make loans, insurance available to Arkansans

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EDC, banks to make loans, insurance available to Arkansans El Dorado News-Times 3/28/2020 With many businesses closing and Arkansas reaching record-high numbers of people filing for unemployment, Gov. Asa Hutchinson urges Arkansans to continue to work and take advantage of benefits afforded by the state and federal government. During Saturday’s daily press briefing, Hutchinson…

Arkansas' congressmen say airports nearly empty as they travel for D.C. vote

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Arkansas' congressmen say airports nearly empty as they travel for D.C. vote Arkansas Democrat Gazette 3/27/2020 he N95 face mask in U.S. Rep. Steve Womack's shed typically filters out lawn mower dust. But this week, it headed east with the congressman, another tool in his anti-coronavirus arsenal. Given the lack of traffic, "I didn't use it because I really didn't feel like I…

Washington quietly prepares a bank rescue — just in case

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Washington quietly prepares a bank rescue — just in case Politico 3/27/2020 Tucked inside Congress' $2 trillion economic rescue package for America is sweeping authority for the government to come to the aid of the one industry that has insisted it doesn't need a bailout: the big banks. Lenders that the government saved in the 2008 financial crisis have been touting the strength…

Financial Services Committee Democrats Release COVID-19 Wish List

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Financial Services Committee Democrats Release COVID-19 Wish List Competitive Enterprise Institute 3/27/2020 This week, Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), unveiled their public policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While framed as a goodwill attempt at helping struggling Americans, the partisan legislation contains a…

Sound On: Rep. French Hill, Germany COVID-19 Response (Podcast)

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Sound On: Rep. French Hill, Germany COVID-19 Response (Podcast) Bloomberg 3/26/2020 Bloomberg Chief Washington Correspondent Kevin Cirilli delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. Guests: Arkansas Republican Congressman French Hill,…

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