MEDIA ADVISORY: Rep. Hill & Rep. Deutch to Host Press Conference Announcing the American Hostage Task Force

On Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 1:00 pm ET, Rep. French Hill (AR-02) and Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-22) will host a bipartisan press conference announcing the formation of the Congressional Task Force on American Hostages and Americans Wrongfully Detained Abroad.

The event will be open to members of the press and live-streamed. For questions or to RSVP, please email Dan Schneider with Rep. Hill or Jason Attermann with Rep. Deutch.

WHO: Rep. French Hill and Rep. Ted Deutch

WHAT: Press Conference on the Launch of the Congressional Task Force on American Hostages and Americans Wrongfully Detained Abroad

WHEN: 1pm-1:45pm ET, Thursday, June 17, 2021

WHERE: House Triangle

Further Background: 

Majd Kamalmaz is a former Arkansas resident and was detained in Syria in 2017. In 2019, Rep. Hill was introduced to his family and Majd’s son, Khalid, was Rep. Hill’s State of the Union guest. Rep. Hill subsequently wrote President Trump requesting his help in  bringing Majd safely home from Syria. Rep. Hill continues to remain engaged with Majd’s family but Majd’s status in Syria remains unknown.

Rep. Deutch represents the Levinson family in Coral Springs. Bob Levinson was the longest held American hostage when news of his passing was announced last March. Deutch's legislation, the ‘Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act," was signed into law last December. It will ensure that no other American family is left helpless when their loved one is held hostage abroad.

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