VIDEO: Rep. Hill Speaks Out from the House Floor Against Turkey's Military Invasion into Syria

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman French Hill (AR-02) delivered a speech from the House floor in support of H.J.Res77, legislation opposing the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria. H.J.Res77 passed the House by a vote of 354-60. 

Click on the video below to watch Congressman Hill's speech from the House floor:

The transcript of Congressman Hill's remarks is copied below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of this resolution introduced by my friends and leaders of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chairman Engel and Ranking Member Mike McCaul.

Mr. Speaker let me be clear: I did not support the failed Obama-Kerry policy in Syria. In 2017 and 2018, I was proud to see President Trump hold Assad accountable for his use of chemical weapons. However, I have not supported the United States disengaging from Syria – without a strategy – since such was first proposed last December by President Trump. So today, I rise in disappointment over this policy change and Turkey’s violations of all of its “promises.”

A small group of American forces in Northeast Syria advising and assisting local forces in order to prevent instability from coming to power does not constitute an “endless war.”  Despite being in NATO, Turkey is not acting as an ally. By our actions in this House today, Turkey will pay a steep price for its provocation.

I’ve been told by experts with contacts on the ground that American lives are directly at risk because of Turkish actions. U.S. forces have been shelled by Turkish artillery. Our NATO ally since 1952, Turkey, who we allowed to conduct this mission, has thanked us by shelling American positions.

What a sad day for the Atlantic Alliance that has shouldered so many burdens and shared so much loss in men and treasure. Syrian Kurds also announced they had come to an agreement with the Assad regime’s forces to help against the Turkish invasion, which further entrenches Russian involvement in the conflict.

So now Assad and his Russian backers will bring their blood bath across the Euphrates. We also put all the gains we made against Daesh at risk of reversal. This all could have all been avoided.

Mr. Speaker, when critical American leadership disengages, America’s global adversaries fill the void. Turkey must cease its military invasion of Syria. The United States must support the Kurdish communities who have been our allies against ISIS.

And the White House must present a clear and specific plan to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS and border integrity with Turkey.

I urge all my colleagues to support the passage of this important piece of legislation.

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