• KM Nominating Speech

Today, Rep. French Hill (AR-02) delivered his nominating speech for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House during the eleventh vote for Speaker.

To watch Rep. Hill's speech on the House Floor, please click HERE.
Rep. Hill's speech as delivered:

“Madam Clerk,

“I rise tonight in the spirit of 1923 to address the House and nominate Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House.

“First, let me express my deep appreciation for everybody in this room and for the work you’re doing, Madam Clerk.

“Our Clerk has stepped up and reflects our House’s best tradition of preparation and dedication to this institution, and we’re grateful.

“From the first Speaker of the House, the Honorable Fredrick Muhlenberg, to the one who will be elected next – Kevin McCarthy.

“The role of the Speaker of the House is one of the most beloved in American history.

“The Speaker’s mission is to carry out the principled goals and objectives of his or her party while, at the same time, protecting this institution and traditions of the People's House, all the while remaining faithful to that imperative of the Preamble to our Constitution: ‘to promote the general Welfare.’

“It's a difficult job that takes a special personality with deep affection for the House, robust courage, a sense of humor, and great amounts of humility and patience.

“I’ve watched Kevin McCarthy for longer than my eight years serving in this Chamber, and I can say without hesitation that Kevin has brought these foundational traits of leadership to bear for the good of this institution and for the good of the American people.

“It’s been said that a nation not in control of her finances cannot control her destiny, and I agree.  And, from our many conversations over many years, I have no doubt that our next Speaker Kevin McCarthy agrees. 

“In the Republican Commitment to America, Leader McCarthy charged our Republican Conference with taking on his two biggest concerns facing this world and this nation: China and the national debt and deficit.

“Over the past two years, we have lost our way on spending – printing too much money at our central bank and spending here in Congress like drunken sailors.

“This bad policy-pallooza has gone into overdrive in the past two years with some $5 trillion of new spending demanded by President Biden and delivered by the now-House minority – whose own budget chair famously said that there is effectively no limit to what America can print, borrow, and spend.

“Of course, this is madness and is not anchored in any economic tenant and there is not a single one of us here that isn’t demanding a return to fiscal discipline.  Who can deliver fiscal discipline?  Kevin McCarthy.

“On the point of spending, let me show you a list of everyone who has written to me in the Second Congressional District who has asked me to cut spending. 

“I’m holding up a blank piece of paper. No one has asked me to cut spending in writing. 

“And there aren’t a lot of people who get mail in this House to cut spending and to set spending priorities. In contrast, each of us gets hundreds of letters asking us to increase spending. 

“But we are at a critical point in this nation’s fiscal health and there’s one person who will help see us through it:  Kevin McCarthy.  How do I know?  Because he’s said so himself and he’s identified how to do it.

“In 2018, then Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy brought a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Floor of this House. Mr. McCarthy said, “By our actions, we’ve shown Washington’s spending problem can’t be boiled down to a lack of will. It’s a problem of structure and process—and everyone knows the process of government funding in Washington is broken.”

“He went on to say, ‘when you change structure, you change behavior’ and that ‘no matter what, we know that if the structure set up by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 has only worked to completion four times in 44 years, we have nothing to lose by making big changes.’

“That’s your next Speaker, on the Floor of this House in 2018.

“Kevin McCarthy is committed to making big changes.  We’ve heard it in the Conference meetings. We’ve heard it in our Rules debates. This includes reforming the budgeting process, fighting to bring all 12 appropriations bills to the Floor under regular order and on time, and crafting changes to structurally rein in spending in this House. 

“These changes will bring sanity back to our fiscal process.  I am committed to bringing back sanity to our fiscal processes.  I hope every Member on this Floor will be and follow Mr. McCarthy’s lead.

“Much has been said by our friends on the other side of the aisle – the so-called popcorn caucus if you will -- over the past few days about 1923 and that we’re having a robust discussion among House Republicans as to who will be the next Speaker of the House.

“Back in 1923, the insurgency among Republicans then was from the center-left of the Republican party.  Today, it’s from the center-right. But there’s more to the story in that fight 100 years ago, and I want to remind you of that history.

“When Fred Gillet was elected Speaker on the ninth ballot in 1923, the outcome was a more robust, more unified Republican Conference.  One that would go on to work with President Calvin Coolidge to cut government spending, balance the budget, cut taxes while paying down the debt. 

“House Republicans one hundred years ago unleased a pro-growth agenda. House Republicans, under Speaker McCarthy, will unleash a pro-growth agenda to get this economy moving.

“That pro-growth agenda benefited families in the 1920s – the McCarthy pro-growth agenda will benefit families across this country today.

“A century later, under the next Speaker - Kevin McCarthy – mark my words: this party will come together to unleash American energy, make the Trump tax-cuts permanent, rein in runaway government spending, and fight for a balanced budget.

“So, I stand before you today with unqualified support to nominate my friend and the next Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy.”

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