Arkansas delegation supports Governor’s disaster declaration
December 28, 2021
Arkansas delegation supports Governor's disaster declaration Governor Hutchinson requested Arkansas be declared a Federal disaster area on December 20, 2021, due to the tornadoes that hit the state on December 10, 2021. In the letter, Hutchinson said the Federal Emergency Management Agency estimated the cost from damage at $3,056,068.68. That money would cover the cost of temporary housing, repairs and house replacement. "On behalf of the State of Arkansas, we are writing to support Governor Asa Hutchinson’s request to declare a major disaster, pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act, as a result of tornadoes which occurred on December 10, 2021….The impact to local jurisdictions is staggering and cannot be overlooked. For example, preliminary damage estimates show Poinsett County sustained major damages with 72 homes destroyed. In total, 256 homes sustained major damage or were destroyed across the five counties. Simply put, we believe the severe magnitude of these weather events warrant supplemental federal assistance. The above-mentioned counties have seen homes, businesses, and important infrastructure severely damaged." Arkansas DelegationThe state has been recovering from 12 gubernatorial declared disasters and 5 federally declared disasters since 2019. The total damages caused by those 17 events, are currently estimated at $184 million. You can read the entire letter here . |