Hill Votes Against Budget Resolution Citing Massive Unrelated Spending Measures

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today, Rep. French Hill (AR-02) released the following statement after voting against H. Con. Res. 11, a resolution outlining the process for the upcoming federal budget: 

“I voted against today’s budget resolution because it will fast track President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package which includes proposals that have nothing to do with assisting Arkansas families, workers, and small businesses. Democratic Leadership has failed to address the fact that more than $1 trillion in resources remain to be spent from the COVID relief laws enacted in 2020. This includes $280 billion for the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, $239 billion for health care spending, $172 billion for unemployment insurance, $59 billion for schools and teachers, and $58 billion for states and local governments. Policies ideas like the Green New Deal, increasing taxes on middle class families, and bolstering government-run health care should be debated on the House Floor, not shoe-horned into a budget proposal.

“Congress has a responsibility to craft a fiscally responsible budget that includes broad, balanced, and bipartisan agreements to fund our government. Congressional Democrats’ strategy to expedite President Biden’s far-left wish list ignores the need to compromise, something we’ve successfully done throughout this crisis.”

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