ICYMI: Rep. Hill Op-Ed in Saline Courier: Our Commitment to America
October 29, 2020
Little Rock, Ark. — Wednesday, the Saline Courier featured Rep. French Hill's op-ed highlighting House Republican's Commitment to America plan, which will restore our way of life, rebuild the greatest economy in history, and renew the American dream. This plan will benefit our nation for generations to come.
The full op-ed is copied below.
Our Commitment to America By: Congressman French Hill Every day, I hear from restaurant owners trying to stay in business, families with loved ones in senior living facilities struggling to remain connected, and parents and teachers balancing care and safety for our kids. Every Arkansan that I have spoken to wants common-sense solutions to the ongoing health and economic crisis affecting families across the state and nation. That is why Republican members joined together to produce our Commitment to America. It is a plan to restore our way of life, rebuild the greatest economy our nation has witnessed, and renew the American Dream for every American. First, we must restore our way of life by continuing to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. We will take steps to achieve this by tripling access to “quick testing”, and distributing proven FDA approved therapeutics and vaccines. We also will increase funding to our police by $1.7 billion for better police training, community policing, and the purchase of 500,000 additional police body cameras to ensure the safety and security of all communities. Second, we will rebuild our economy to its historic pre-pandemic levels by adding ten million well-paying jobs and increasing take-home pay, as well as utilizing proven pro-growth tax policies, including the $2,000 child tax credit and expansion of Opportunity Zones. We will also implement the recommendations of the China Task Force’s Report, including my legislation to reform our medical supply chain and reduce U.S. reliance on Chinese manufacturing. By implementing these policies, we will both support the American worker and return our economy to its former prosperity. Thirdly, we will renew the American Dream for each and every citizen. This includes supporting the working American family by promoting opportunities for career and technical education and workforce training, investing in high-quality STEM programs, and providing more opportunities for parents to choose the best school for their child. In addition, and to honor the service of our veterans, we will fully fund the VA Choice healthcare program and expand GI benefits to cover short-term, online, and apprenticeship programs. This is our commitment to you, and by taking these steps, we will create a safe and prosperous nation for American workers and families. Our Commitment to America will not only reunite our country, but it will benefit our nation for generations to come. |