The 5th Stimulus - $300 Billion In Infrastructure Is The Missing Link

The 5th Stimulus - $300 Billion In Infrastructure Is The Missing Link


As the battle over the fifth phase of Coronavirus legislation rages on Capitol Hill, I can’t help but wonder why an infrastructure stimulus has been swept off the table. Investing in critical public works and visionary projects is the one thing that Republicans, Democrats, and the White House are all on record as strongly favoring. It is one big thing that we all agree on - firmly pointing us forward, getting our economy back on track, setting a course for the future. It is a decision that will will bring us together around our common challenges - for our common future. The current headlong rush to short-term fixes, whether political or economic, wastefully avoids the critical decision that is upon us - how to transform the darkness of our current tragedy into a future bright with growth and opportunity.

The Current Situation. Consider where we are now, as a country: last Thursday, as our 4th Blueprint 2025 Leadership Forum opened, it was announced that GDP for the second quarter had declined 33% (7% on an annualized basis, if there is no resurgence of Covid); 55% of businesses on Yelp have closed for good; and another 1.4 million people filed for unemployment (total unemployed now is well over 30 million). Immediate income needs are urgent, with employment rates of low income workers down nearly 38% from January according to Harvard’s high frequency economic tracker.

Project Cancellations. On the infrastructure side, $175 billion in infrastructure projects have already been delayed or cancelled this year, so another 2 million infrastructure professionals will lose their jobs in the coming months, a trend that - unless stopped - can only pick up steam. The likelihood of a V-shaped recovery is now vanishingly small. Stimulus negotiators peer into a future that is full of surprises; investment in new assets, from roads to smart communities (see below), is the one sure way for us to reach out and shape what is to come, take control of it, and to make sure that it is to our liking. The EU and China are doing it, so why not us?

The Capitol Hill Battle. By reinserting infrastructure into the current stimulus battle we will sharply change the nature of the debate. Infrastructure investment creates long-term assets, saves businesses and generates jobs. If you compare (see graphic) the $1.1 trillion Republican plan and the $3.4 trillion Democratic plan in the context of creating the future, rather than sailing tentatively into the unknown - three areas stand out:

First, ‘state and local aid’ - $1.1 trillion on the Democratic side, and “only” $105 billion on the Republican side - only makes sense if it is turned into long-term, strategic investment. That is what should, and must, happen. This most certainly includes a quick decision to allow states to spend their Coronavirus relief monies on projects that they determine to be critical to their futures, and the best way out of the crisis.

As so often, things are not as they appear. Rep. French Hill, one of four members of the Covid Taskforce overseeing CARES Act funding, highlighted during last week’s event that only 22% of the initial CARES funding for states and municipalities has actually been obligated. Mike Hall - Chief of Staff for Gov. Justice of West Virginia - incredulously observed that billions of dollars are sitting in state bank accounts, having arrived ‘by direct deposit.’ Pierce Homer, a former Secretary of Transportation for Virginia, added - in broad understatement - that “its a lot more difficult to spend federal dollars than people think,” alluding to what can only be called Draconian rules and regulations. Roughly $100 billion remains in state bank accounts, and this is not counting the Fed’s $75 billion Main Street lending program, which is just getting underway, or the nearly $300 billion in CARES Act Section 4003 funding that remains unallocated and unspent.

Second, more than $1 trillion has previously been authorized for small business aid, and so in the current debate the Democrats propose nothing for small business, while the Republicans propose an additional $200 billion. Moving investment into projects, particularly public purpose projects (health, mobility, just plain jobs) would change the nature of this discussion - 84% of infrastructure investment goes to small, mid-sized and minority businesses, and this idea of creating ‘good jobs fast’ should be at the very heart of the stimulus negotiations. Rather than assistance, investment would both save and create long-term, highly paid, professional jobs. These are also union jobs. Moving from subsidizing zombie businesses to supporting productive new areas of economic activity is the right decision.

Third, a focus on projects would highlight the fact that there is significant funding already available to plug state and local budget gaps, including more than $100 billion of financing that federal agencies can’t get out the door. Rules should be loosened, for the next 24 months - just like during the Katrina recovery - so that we can quickly make decisions, and move money swiftly into projects - or rather the thousands of businesses that execute on projects, or support that execution.

These are big issues, but by putting projects at the table the two sides will more clearly see the real and immediate value that is easily within their reach: injecting funds into states and municipalities; putting money into the hands of workers, especially low-paid workers, while saving professional jobs - and businesses; and beginning to engage the real challenge of creating a strong opportunity economy for the future.

On the remaining issues, which are largely critical safety net issues, there is broad agreement as to importance - stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, health care - and one could imagine these being quickly addressed.

Two additional questions seem to bother politicians and economists (but not business people, or policy executives), and both were addressed resoundingly throughout last week’s event:

Shovel Worthy Projects. As Mike Johnson of Kiewit highlighted, “we don’t want ‘shovel ready’ projects we want ‘shovel worthy’ projects, and there are plenty of those.” The Army Corps, another featured presenter at the event, has more than $100 billion in authorized but unfunded projects, all critical to the country’s future. Pent-up demand for funding of good projects is off the charts. The backdrop for the event was the $1 trillion in projects that CG/LA Infrastructure, my firm, has identified - more than 500 ‘shovel worthy’ projects around the U.S., that both create jobs and provide long-term strategic value for the country. There are projects, they are worthy, and they are ready to go - so Congress needs to decide.

Remarkable Job Creation. A second doubt has to do with how quickly and robustly infrastructure projects create jobs. Investment in the right projects creates jobs immediately - and not only on construction sites, but in professional offices (architects, planners, engineers) and in manufacturing (project inputs are ordered years in advance), along with all the service firms (from daycare to restaurants) that support these businesses. Take the example of the proposed Texas Central high speed rail project — 37,500 jobs all across the country (map above, the shaded areas include steel from Indiana and Colorado) would be created as soon as funding is complete.

A $300 billion infrastructure stimulus would not just create 2 million new jobs, but - given cancellations and uncertainty - would save nearly 2.5 million currently at risk jobs. This 4.5 million job swing is squarely within our reach - and the exercise of this power would be a big win for Congress.

Actions Required Now. Participants in the Blueprint 2025 Leadership Forum highlighted three decisions that should be taken immediately. First, as Rep. Hill, and chief of staff Hall highlighted, we have to quickly adjust the guidance for the initial CARES Act funding - so that $100 billion can quickly move into the Main Street economy, much of that into shovel worthy infrastructure projects.

Second, as Pierce Homer - Virginia’s former Secretary of Transportation highlighted - because of our national emergency we need to address needlessly cumbersome procurement rules, so that ready funding can move into projects immediately. This would not only halt the growing number of project cancellations, and save thousands of businesses and millions of jobs, but it would also provide a much bigger bang for the buck in terms of infrastructure dollars invested.

Third, we must activate our state infrastructure banks. These are ready to go institutions that simply need two quick decisions: funding from the federal government, which is already available; and broader authorities on the sources and uses of funds, so they can move bigger investments into a broader range of projects. There is wide agreement on the need to activate these agencies, right now.

A final point has to do with language, a focus on benefits, and on making the infrastructure discussion much more tactile, driven from the users point of view. K.N. Gunalan (“Guna”) an Aecom Senior Vice President, and current President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) made this point clearly: “we have to change our language, and make it more concrete, from highways to mobility, and from Smart Cities to Smart Communities.’ It is the benefits of projects that the stimulus needs to provide, and that ‘we the people’ need so desperately.

By bringing project investment and state decision-making back into the Covid Stimulus discussion, Congress would promote quick decision-making, and a stronger and more sustainable recovery, taking up readily available tools that are critical for allowing us to design our future. As Steve Jobs said when he returned to Apple AAPL +2.8% in 1996: “Some mistakes will be made, some mistakes will be made along the way. That’s good, because at least some decisions are being made.”

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