The List: 72 Republicans Vote with Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capitol
July 24, 2020
The List: 72 Republicans Vote with Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capitol7/24/2020BreitBart The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), mandates that a bust of former Supreme Court Justice Roger Brooke Taney sitting in the U.S. Capitol be replaced with a bust of former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Additionally, the Democrat plan mandates the removal from public view of U.S. Capitol statues depicting Charles Brantley Aycock, John Caldwell Calhoun, and James Paul Clarke. Each of the statues would eventually be returned to their respective states. Likewise, any memorabilia depicting members of the Confederate States of America would be removed from public view in the U.S. Capitol. All 232 House Democrats voted for the legislation, along with these 72 House Republicans:
The vote comes as rioters have destroyed, defaced, and torn down historical monuments across the U.S. for more than two months. On July 4, for instance, two Confederate monuments were defaced in Wilmington, North Carolina. Historical monument destruction has also been targeted at Catholic statues recently. Last week, a statue depicting Jesus Christ as “The Good Shepard” was decapitated by a vandal in a south Florida Catholic Church. On Thursday, Senate Republicans worked with Senate Democrats to pass a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that includes a provision to rename U.S. military bases that currently hold the names of Confederate generals. Trump has promised to veto an NDAA that requires the renaming of U.S. military bases. |