ICYMI: From the House Floor, Hill Speaks Against House Democrats' Partisan $3 Trillion Messaging Bill

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Rep. French Hill (AR-02) spoke against H.R. 6800, the House Democrats’ so-called coronavirus relief bill on the House floor. Rep. Hill urged his colleagues to asses the effects of the $2.9 trillion in funding that Congress has already allocated to combat the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis and to work in a bipartisan fashion to find solutions for the American people.

Watch Rep. Hill’s remarks HERE or by clicking on the image below.

Rep. Hill's floor speech is copied below.

I rise in opposition to this legislation. 

Over the last three months we have put together a series of bipartisan bills that are extraordinary, and they amount to $2.9 trillion in spending.

And the amount of $2.9 trillion is 60%, Mr. Speaker, of what the federal government spends in an entire year. Nonetheless, this bipartisan effort was essential to beat the virus and get our economy back to full capacity.

Today, we vote on another $3 trillion in spending when we haven't even gotten all of the first phase of money out, Mr. Speaker, to our schools, to our hospitals, to our cities, to our states.

We have not completed getting the money out to restart our economy. And yet, the House Majority has blocked the House from working bipartisanly and have cooked up this 1,800-page bill in the Speaker's hideaway.

This proposal, much of which has nothing to do with the coronavirus, discourages work and delays our economic recovery.

We need to asses our actions and bring bipartisan efforts to the floor to address the gaps.

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