Hill's Statement on Syria and Iraq Security Bills

WASHINGTON – Congressman French Hill (AR-02) released the following statement after supporting two bipartisan bills that condemn war crimes in Syria and impose additional sanctions on Iranians who threaten peace and stability in Iraq:

“The Syrian dictator Assad and the Mullahs in Iran must be held accountable for their war crimes, genocide, and other grave injustices against the Syrian and Iraqi people. Their destabilizing activities are a threat to America and our allies, especially Israel. I will continue to support action in Congress to hold these perpetrators accountable and to provide much needed relief to their innocent victims.

“I continue to call on the Senate to pass the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, which the House passed in May of last year, to preserve records for future investigations into war criminals in Syria.”


Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act, H.R. 390, provides for emergency relief to victims of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Iraq and Syria, and provides accountability against perpetrators of these crimes.

The Preventing Destabilization of Iraq Act, H.R. 4591, imposes sanctions with respect to Iranian persons that threaten the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq.

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