| Posted in Opinion Pieces

OPINION | LASHANNON SPENCER: Care at risk Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 10/30/2020 Arkansas continues to be hammered by covid-19, but it seems the big drug manufacturers, for some ill-conceived reason, have chosen this time to attack a prescription drug program that benefits thousands of low-income Arkansans. Our society demands quality, dependable health care now more than ever.…

Hill cares about vets

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Hill cares about vets 09/25/2020 Arkansas Democrat Gazette It's hard to describe how much Congressman French Hill's help meant to my family and me. Recently, I lost my husband, a Navy veteran who served during World War II. I wished for his funeral to include the honors he deserved, but we needed his DD214. Time was of the essence. One call to French Hill's office, and the next day…

Arkansans deserve better health care

| Posted in Opinion Pieces

Arkansans deserve better health care By Rep. French Hill This Congress, the House has worked hard to fix problems with America’s health care system. We have repealed the Individual Mandate penalty and the death panels instituted by Obamacare, and passed the Right to Try Act, which offers terminally ill patients another route for potential help, to name a few. Obamacare, with its…

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