Hill Vows to Keep Fighting to Overturn Unlawful Executive Overreach

For more information, contact: Mike Siegel, (202) 225-2506

Congressman French Hill (AR-2) released the following statement today after the House passed H.R. 240, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015 by a vote of 257-167:

“Twice I have voted to fully fund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and twice Senate Democrats blocked that appropriations bill from reaching the President’s desk. While I am pleased that the Department will be funded to protect America from many of the threats we face, I do not believe the bill we passed today does enough to stop the threat of the Executive Branch exceeding its legal authority.

“Our entire system of government is predicated on the principle that no one branch should be more powerful than the others. In bypassing Congress to grant amnesty, the President has violated the Constitution and the idea that we have a separation of powers. Knowing this, I couldn’t in good conscience vote against the will of the majority of Arkansans, the Attorneys General of twenty-six states, and the Federal District Court Judge who support the Constitution and believe the President overstepped his authority.

“James Madison in Federalist 51 discussed the need for each branch of government to guard against overreach by another when such an overreach occurs; he stated: ‘Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.’ Clearly, our government works best when each branch stays within their prescribed boundaries. This fight does not end today—it is too important—and the members of this body have a responsibility to stop this unlawful action.” – Congressman French Hill

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