Hill Votes to Protect Workers’ Rights and Privacy

For more information, contact: Mike Siegel, (202) 225-2506

Congressman French Hill (AR-2) released the following statement today after the House passed S.J. Res. 8...

Congressman French Hill (AR-2) released the following statement today after the House passed S.J. Res. 8, Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation case procedures, by a vote of 232-186.

“Hardworking Americans have the right to make informed decisions during union elections and expect that employers will keep their personal information private. The National Labor Relations Board’s Ambush Election Rule is a threat to our workers in Arkansas and throughout the country, and today’s resolution will ensure protection of their rights and privacy while upholding the long-standing policy that has fairly governed union elections for decades.” – Congressman French Hill

Per the House Committee on Education & the Workforce, H.J. Res. 29/S.J. Res. 8 would:

  • Stop the NLRB from rewriting union election policies that have served workers, employers, and unions well for decades;                             
  • Ensure employers can continue to communicate with their employees before they cast their ballots;                                            
  • Preserve the right of workers to make informed decisions about whether to join a union; and,                            
  • Safeguard the privacy rights of workers and their families.           

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