COVID-19 Update | March 22, 2020
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Dear Friends,

In this difficult time as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread, we owe a special debt of gratitude to those who work in our critical infrastructure groups.

These integral groups include our healthcare workers, our pharmaceutical workers, and those who work in our food supply industries. These men and women have a responsibility to maintain their normal work schedule to ensure our health and safety, often at the risk of their own. 

Recently, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a memorandum guiding state and local officials by helping to identify which workers and industries are essential during the current public health crisis. That memorandum can be found HERE

What is important for each of us to remember is that because these men and women grocery stores will remain open, we will still able to pick up our prescriptions, and our hospitals will remain staffed and operational. 

For everyone who is not part of one of these industries, we can make a special effort to be kind and patient during this time and to do what we can to support our communities. 

Arkansas Guidelines for Staying healthy
What You Can Do

Yesterday, Governor Hutchinson and a team of top health care professionals from the Arkansas Department of Health, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and other agencies and hospitals from across the state released a few guidelines that Arkansans can follow to stay safe and healthy.

Supporting Our Local Businesses
Ordering To-Go or Delivery

If you are able, help support your local restaurants with take out and pick up orders. Yesterday, I picked up salads and pizza from ZAZA's in Little Rock!

Help is Available for small businesses
Low-Interest Disaster Assistance Loans

BIG NEWS. The Small Business Administration has approved Governor Hutchinson’s disaster declaration request for economic injury as a result of the novel coronavirus. 

This means that small businesses in central Arkansas and throughout can start applying for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) immediately. 
These loans are designed to help businesses who are losing revenue due to federal, state, and local measures about COVID-19.

Click HERE to apply for these loans now that declaration has been made official. If you are not a small business owner but would like to help, please share this information with your friends, family, and the local businesses that you frequent.

Arkansas Food PantRies are here to help
Food Assistance Available During this Difficult Time

In an effort to slow the spread of the virus, and to protect the health and safety of Arkansans, many restaurants and other client-facing industries have been forced to furlough or lay off their employees until their businesses can safely reopen. For many families, this is a devastating loss of income and can lead many to wonder where their next meal will come from. 

If this is your situation, please know that help is available. Food pantries and subsidized grocery stores remain open and have ramped up their operations to serve those that need assistance. 

For a full list of food pantries and subsidized grocery stores, click HERE or on the image above.  

Caring for our heroes 
Updates for Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System

The Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System (CAVHS)  is prepared and fully capable to serve our Veteran population and meet all of the (VA)'s missions.

CAVHS is practicing social distancing as directed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, care is not being disrupted and front line staff has personal protective equipment available for direct care. Visitors will be allowed on facilities by exception only – for example, end-of-life and emergent situations.

Screening at John L. McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital in Little Rock has been shifted to the Red (south) Atrium entry for all clinics, travel, pharmacy, imaging, and services beginning tomorrow.

The Emergency Department entry will be for emergency foot traffic only. The ground floor employee screening point will remain open for now. Access to Fort Roots continues to be through the north parking lot checkpoint off of Cypress Street.

Further, the VA has begun a campaign for hiring retirees To learn more, email or apply at 

As always, my team of veterans stands at the ready to assist their fellow central Arkansas veterans. If you need assistance with the VA, please contact me at or call my office at (501) 324-5941. 

telehealth options for medicare
Doctor's Appointments from Home

During the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility.

This means that Medicare will cover telehealth options so that patients are not put at risk of contracting the virus by having to go to routine appointments in person. 


There are three main types of virtual services physicians and other professionals can provide to Medicare beneficiaries telehealth visits, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

MEDICARE TELEHEALTH VISITS: Currently, Medicare patients may use telecommunication technology for office, hospital visits and other services that generally occur in-person.

VIRTUAL CHECK-INS: In all areas (not just rural), established Medicare patients in their home may have a brief communication service with healthcare practitioners via a number of communication technologies including a phone call or through video or image.

E-VISITS: In all types of locations including the patient’s home, and in all areas (not just rural), established Medicare patients may have non-face-to-face patient-initiated communications with their doctors without going to the doctor’s office by using online patient portals.

Stopping rumors in their tracks
FEMA COVID-19 Rumor Control

In the past few weeks, I have heard many stories about COVID-19 circulated that sounded true but were not. This disinformation makes it more difficult for people to know how to stay safe, how to get help, and what the situation is as the COVID-19 outbreak continues. An easy way to check if something is true is to visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website dedicated to debunking some of the most pervasive false stories surrounding the novel coronavirus. You can find that website HERE or by clicking on the image below.

Representative French Hill 
Representative French Hill

Office Locations
Washington, DC Office
1533 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2506
Fax: (202) 225-5903
Conway Office
1105 Deer Street, Suite 12
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: (501) 358-3481
Fax: (501) 358-3494
Little Rock Office
1501 N. University Ave., Suite 630
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 324-5941
Fax: (501) 324-6029
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