District Update | June 7, 2021
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Dear Friend,

Last week, I toured the Little Rock Port Authority along with Sen. John Boozman and Sen. Tom Cotton to view firsthand some of the new projects underway at the port. I have advocated for this development throughout my time in Congress – I was glad to see these expansions and projects begin to take effect. The Port of Little Rock is critical to the economic success of central Arkansas.

I also participated in a roundtable discussion with Mr. Bryan Day, Executive Director of Little Rock Port Authority, Mr. Charles Frazier, Executive Director of Rock Region Metro, and Mr. Brian Malinowski, Executive Director of Clinton National Airport, on current infrastructure issues and their inability to hire in part because of the Biden administration’s excessive increasing and prolonging of coronavirus unemployment benefits. With the Biden proposal including only 6% of funding for surface transportation, it is clear this proposal is not intended to help central Arkansans.

The Biden Administration’s handouts, poor policy decisions, and neglect of common sense have led to keeping central Arkansans out of work and a reduction of productivity at the port.


This past weekend, I held a celebration for FIX whom I had the honor of nominating to attend our nation’s service academies in the fall. These bright leaders exemplify the best of central Arkansas and the nation. I look forward to seeing their successes in the future and pray for their service to our nation.

Class of 2025 Appointees:

Carlos Miller, USAFA (not pictured/didn’t attend)

Nolan Turner, USAFA (blazer and blonde)

Andrew Hare, USNA (light gray polo)

James “JP” Cady, USMA (beard and blazer)

It has been one of my great honors to nominate students to the United States service academies. I’ve had the privilege of nominating over 150 students who have applied to attend the US Naval Academy, US Military Academy, the US Coast Guard Academy, the US Air Force Academy, and the US Merchant Marine Academy. The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.

To apply for a service academy nomination from my office, please complete this application and return it to my Little Rock office by mail at 1501 N. University Avenue, Suite 630, Little Rock, AR 72207, by fax at (501) 324-6029, or by email to AR02AcademyApplications@mail.house.gov. The application deadline is November 1st of the student’s senior year in high school.  For more information please visit my website.


I provided the keynote address at the 80th session of Arkansas Boys State on Thursday to talk to school about the importance of public service and to congratulate them on completing the program.

I thanked the American Legion and their eighty years of service to youth and I commend them for pressing forward during the pandemic. I’m a proud member of Post One of American Legion as a Son of the American Legion proudly recognizes my Grand Dad’s service in France in World War I and my Dad’s service in World War II and Korea. I am grateful that the American Legion continues to support the next generation of leaders.

Boys State is an immersive civics education program for high school students to learn relationship building, leadership development, and personal growth skills from educators throughout the state. 

I appreciated the opportunity to address these bright Arkansan young men at the end of this prestigious program. Thank you for inviting me to speak and congratulations to those who participated in and completed the program.


I am pleased to announce the opportunity to serve in my office as a fellow with the Wounded Warrior Fellowship Program (WWFP).

It is a two-year, full-time fellowship that can lead to permanent employment. Fellows will engage in constituent services and work with federal agencies and community organizations on behalf of central Arkansans.

To apply please send a resume and cover letter along with your most recent DD214 and a letter from the VA indicating a 30% or greater disability rating to housewoundedwarriors@mail.house.gov.

To learn more about the WWFP, please see click HERE.


Last month the VA began re-adjudicating Agent Orange claims meaning those who were previously denied assistance may now have it available to them.

Contact my office for assistance.

Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related illnesses. If you have an illness caused by exposure to Agent Orange during military service, you may be eligible for disability compensation.

If you have an existing claim or need further details on how to go about getting assistance, please contact my Director of Military and Veteran Affairs, David Carnahan in my Little Rock office at (501) 324-5941. You can also find more information on the VA website.


I recently joined Congressman Steve Scalise in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding that Congress hold China accountable for the tragic COVID-19 pandemic and the 3 million lives lost throughout the world, which have included nearly 600,000 Americans.

The Chinese stonewalled international questions and World Health Organization (WHO) investigators.

I believe in and support an investigation looking into China’s handling of COVID-19. As more evidence is uncovered, there is more proof that the virus could have slipped out of a Wuhan lab.

Congress needs access to the full range of tools available to congressional investigators, including subpoenas for documents and the power to compel key witnesses to give testimony.

The Wuhan lab needs to be investigated for their potential wrong doings or else we leave the gateway open for crises like these to go unprosecuted in the future. You can read the full letter here.

Representative French Hill
Representative French Hill
Office Locations
Washington, DC Office
1533 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2506
Fax: (202) 225-5903
Conway Office
1105 Deer Street, Suite 12
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: (501) 358-3481
Fax: (501) 358-3494
Little Rock Office
1501 N. University Ave., Suite 630
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 324-5941
Fax: (501) 324-6029
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