Dear Friend,
It is estimated that we lost 515 Arkansans last year due to drug overdose. These deaths are preventable, and as your Congressman I am dedicated to playing my part to protect American families during this crisis.
This Saturday, October 23rd, is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. National Drug Take Back Day was established to take out of circulation unneeded prescription drugs that, in the wrong hands, can lead to addiction. According to the DEA, the majority of misused prescription drugs were obtained from the home medicine cabinet.
Our home state of Arkansas has one of the most successful drug take back days in the country – something that we all should be proud of. This day provides an opportunity for everyone to take a small action that can save lives and help prevent addiction before it starts.
I invite you to participate in Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, October 23, 2021. If you have prescription medications that are no longer needed, visit one of the many collection sites scattered throughout central Arkansas. Click here to find one near you.
Last month, I introduced the Preventing Overdoses and Saving Lives Act. My bipartisan legislation is aimed to combat the opioid crisis by making it easier to prescribe an opioid overdose reversal drug along with an opioid prescription.