Dear Friends,
As the House works to address the issues surrounding the proposed legislation governing presidential authority to negotiate trade treaties, more commonly known as Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), I ask that you answer a few quick questions on this important topic.
Did you answer yes to any of the previous questions? If so, then you support the principles of TPA.
Here is why:
Simply put, TPA is the blueprint and traffic cop for future trade negotiations. It is the overarching authorization with the specific rules on how Congress will allow the President to negotiate a trade deal. TPA not only gives the United States the strongest possible hand at the negotiating table, but it is also the best way to ensure an open and transparent negotiating process that guarantees congressional requirements are met.
Trade supports more than 38 million American jobs and over 27,000 jobs in Arkansas. Well-structured trade agreements have the potential to open doors to new customers for U.S. exports of goods and services, which will help grow the economy and lead to more American jobs, including in Arkansas. The United States is currently pursuing several trade agreements, including one with Asian countries and one in Europe, which would give the United States access to approximately 1 billion more customers.
The whole purpose of trade deals is to bring down tariffs to make it cheaper and better for American goods to go to the Asian-Pacific countries, as well as to open up markets that are blocked by non-tariff barriers.
Passing TPA will allow us to do future trade deals between America and our allied countries and open up markets. Trade deals are not about disadvantaging America. Trade deals are about promoting American products, increasing jobs in our country, increasing exports, and increasing our GDP.
Representative French Hill