COVID-19 Update | July 21, 2020
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Dear Friends,

Tonight at 7:30 PM CT, I am hosting a Telephone Town Hall and Facebook Live event to address the many questions that I have heard regarding the upcoming school year.

If you do not receive a call from me tonight around 7:30 PM, you can participate by calling toll-free at (855) 859-7298 or, to watch on Facebook LIVE, click HERE or on the image below. 


Help is Always Available

Tragically, every 14 hours, someone in Arkansas dies by suicide, and every 20 minutes a veteran commits suicide somewhere in the United States. This is both staggering and heartbreaking. Help is always available – and now those struggling have one more way to connect with lifesaving aid.

Last Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously to designate 988 as a dialing short-code – like 911. Dialing this number would connect callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which also can be reached at (800) 273-8255.

While the implementation of the short-code will not be immediate, under this proposal telecom companies will have to implement the 988 short-code by July 2022.

The effort follows the passage of the National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act, which I supported and which was signed into law in 2018.

To anyone struggling, or if you have a loved one you are concerned about, reach out. You are not alone. Help is available 24/7 through 911 or the national suicide prevention lifeline:

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

My office also stands ready to assist in any way that we can; please call us at (501) 324-5941. Suicide is a complicated public health issue that affects all communities across the United States. For my part, I will continue to deliver legislation that supports mental health programs that save lives, because one life lost to suicide is too many.


Op-Ed in Arkansas Catholic

We find ourselves in a dark time for religious freedom in China, and my heart is heavy. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Supreme Leader Xi is reversing past practice of tolerance of the growth of faith with the goal “sinicizing” religion. The CCP is seeking to systematically exterminate worship, particularly Christian worship, and is undertaking a major initiative to rewrite the Bible, Quran, and other religious material in order to purge any passage that violates “core socialist values.”

During the pandemic, I have been participating in a series of virtual meetings with international leaders around the globe and our conversations have highlighted limitations on individuals’ exercise of their religious freedom around the world.

As the ranking member on the U.S. House Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, Monetary Policy and International Financial Institutions, I have been working with my colleagues around the world to hold the CCP accountable for their crimes against religious freedom, to demand transparency of all Chinese debt, compel China to become a responsible open creditor that participates under the same rules and policies as other creditor nations, and to ensure that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund do not reward China for its irresponsible behavior.


Do Not Leave Children or Pets Unattended

As we hit the hottest part of the summer in Arkansas, I wanted to offer an important reminder not to leave children or pets in cars unattended.

According to the National Safety Council, even on mild or cloudy days, temperatures inside vehicles can reach life-threatening levels. Leaving windows slightly open doesn't help. Arkansas Children's Hospital reports that 88% of children who die in hot cars are under age three, and more than half of those are under one. Approximately half were forgotten by a guardian.

For Arkansas Children's Hospital guidance to ACT to prevent heat-related deaths:

A – Avoid. Never leave a child alone in a vehicle for any amount of time. Take your child each time you exit your vehicle and lock the doors behind you.
C - Create reminders. Place a purse, briefcase, or phone near the child's car seat to ensure that you will look before leaving your vehicle.
T - Take action if you see a child left in a vehicle. Call 911 immediately, and if possible, rescue the child from the car after receiving emergency instructions.


Keeping Our Heroes Healthy

For those planning to visit or accompany loved one at the Central Arkansas Veterans System (CAVHS) has begun reverting to an exception-only visitation policy to help combat the spread of COVID-19.
Exception-only means visitation for inpatient Veterans must be prearranged with our clinical staff. Only one visitor over the age of 18 will be allowed per Veteran to ensure proper safety precautions for our patients and health care workers.

Likewise, for outpatient visits, the exception-only visitation policy means Veterans who need assistance may bring one caregiver over the age of 18 to attend their appointment. All other visitors or drivers will not be allowed inside the facilities.

Everyone entering the facilities are required to complete screening questions and have their temperature taken. Please allow up to ten minutes to complete this process. Universal masking and strict social distancing guidelines are enforced inside the facilities.

For more information, visit the CAVHS's website HERE.

It is my honor to represent you in Congress. Please contact me at (501) 324-5941 or Hill.House.Gov if I may be of service to you.

Representative French Hill 
Representative French Hill

Office Locations
Washington, DC Office
1533 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2506
Fax: (202) 225-5903
Conway Office
1105 Deer Street, Suite 12
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: (501) 358-3481
Fax: (501) 358-3494
Little Rock Office
1501 N. University Ave., Suite 630
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 324-5941
Fax: (501) 324-6029
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