COVID-19 Update | April 17, 2020
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Dear Friends,

It is my privilege to represent Arkansas on the national stage and to represent you in Congress. 

As we recover from the public health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to conduct robust oversight as well as work to get the United State economy back to full strength. 

Today, I was pleased that House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve on the Congressional Oversight Commission established to oversee the implementation of the CARES Act.

It is an honor to represent Arkansas and serve as the representative for House Republicans on this important bipartisan, bicameral commission. We are at a critical moment in our nation’s history, fighting COVID-19 and working to bring swift relief to the millions of affected families and businesses and bring our nation’s economy back to its full force.

Yesterday, I was appointed by the president to serve on his Opening Up America Again Congressional Group.

I am pleased to have been called by the president to serve as part of this bipartisan group, and if my call with him yesterday was any indication, there is strong bipartisan support amongst my colleagues for strategies that will bend two of the most pressing curves: the increase in coronavirus cases and the stunning rise in unemployment.

Americans are looking for a return to the usual rhythms of life, and I am optimistic that this working group will help identify ways to do this safely.


Candles and Cream Collection Making Hand Sanitizer

Candles and Cream Collection, which is co-owned by Debbie Broadway and Vickie Collie, in Bryant has started making hand sanitizer to fill the gap that has been created for increased demand. Last week, they donated sanitizer to the hard-working officers at the Hot Springs Police Department. When small businesses step up to help the community everyone benefits, and in the current public health and economic crisis, these efforts are especially important. I commend their efforts to help keep Arkansans healthy. 

Filing for Unemployment Benefits

CARES Act Provisions Underway

We are facing an unprecedented economic challenge combined with the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. The Arkansas Division of Workforce Services (ADWS) and the state of Arkansas have been working to meet the increased number of people who currently need Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.  

In line with these efforts, the ADWS has created a new informational website to answer questions about filing for UI benefits in Arkansas. 

To access that website, click HERE

Additionally, the ADWS has expanded their unemployment hotline hours to Monday-Saturday 6:00 AM-4:00 PM CT. Their hotline number is (844) 908-2178.

As you might know, the CARES Act included approximately $260 billion in funding for enhanced and expanded Unemployment Insurance for the many workers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis.

It created new unemployment insurance programs that are fully funded by the federal government. Those programs are: 

  1. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA);
  2. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC);
  3. Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC).
  4. It also established full federal reimbursement for state “short-time compensation” (STC) programs.
PUA provides up to 39 weeks of federally-financed UI benefits to unemployed workers who are ineligible for any other state or federal UI benefit, including self-employed workers, workers who are partially employed, workers with limited work history, and workers who are not able to telework and are not receiving any form of paid leave. All benefits will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

If this is your situation, the ADWS is currently implementing a new system based on the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines. Unfortunately, this means that it will be a few more weeks until the ADWS is able to issue benefits for those applying under these new guidelines.

However, the ADWS has an alert system to notify those who sign up when the PUA application is available. 


These benefits, along with the FPUC $600 payment will be backdated from when the claim was filed.

ADWS Instructions for Filing for UI Benefits:

File online using EZARC HERE between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday through Saturday.

File by phone using the UI Hotline by calling (844) 908-2178 or (501) 534-6304 between the hours of 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Saturday.

If you have questions regarding how to apply, the ADWS has a helpful FAQ page, which you can find HERE

Direct Payments Headed to Americans

Relief Headed to You Soon

On Wednesday, nearly 80 million Americans received their Economic Impact Payment established by Congress in the CARES Act.

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, check the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Information Center HERE

Learn more about Economic Impact Payments HERE or on the image below. 

Assistance for businesses

More Funding Needed for Loans

Programs like the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are providing critical relief to families and small businesses struggling during this crisis.

Through Arkansas banks, the PPP has approved over 14,000 loans totaling more than $2.1bn. This is helping Arkansas businesses and nonprofits retain their employees and keep their businesses functioning during the current public health crisis.

The stories I have heard from businesses and bankers across Arkansas speak for themselves. HERE and below are some of those stories

Without EIDL and PPP loans millions of Americans would be out of work, which is why it’s unacceptable that these successful and bipartisan programs have run out of money. I urge Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put country over party and agree that we need another $250 billion for the SBA and protect millions more paychecks.

Interview with Hugh Hewitt

Discussing Measures Against China

Today, I joined Hugh Hewitt to discuss the threat to national security China presents, and my legislation, H.R. 6399, the Securing America’s Vaccines for Emergencies (SAVE) Act, which would amend the Defense Production Act (DPA) to use its authority to ensure the availability of medical equipment.

To watch the full interview, click HERE or on the image below. 

New Information on Medicaid in Arkansas

Good News for Arkansas

I am pleased that Arkansas’s request for a new Medicaid waiver was partially approved. On March 26, the Arkansas Delegation and I wrote a letter to the president in support of the approval of a Medicare waiver for Arkansas due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be read HERE. This partial approval means that Medicaid funds can be spent on supplemental pay for nursing home staff and others who care for people who are elderly or who have disabilities.

Supplemental payments are available to nursing homes, ARChoices, personal care providers, Area Agencies on Aging, assisted living facilities, hospice providers, children’s extensive support waiver providers for supported living services, and agencies that provide care outside of institutional settings for people in their homes.

Staff who are eligible for the supplemental pay include nurses, nurse aides, respiratory therapists, personal care aides, home health aides, direct care workers, and assistive personnel.

A similar plan for supplemental pay is being developed for hospital direct-care workers.

the Buffalo River Watershed Enhancement project Approved

Good News for Buffalo River Landowners

Yesterday, Agriculture Secretary Perdue announced that the Buffalo River Watershed Enhancement project (BRWEP) proposal submitted to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) last fall was approved for funding.

As a lifelong conservationist, I support protecting the pristine Buffalo River. This water source is essential to preserving the livelihoods of countless Arkansans in north-central Arkansas.

The grant will provide $2.7 million over five years to landowners in portions of the Buffalo River watershed (Calf Creek, Bear Creek, Lower Big Creek, Tomahawk Creek, Brush Creek) in Searcy County.

The focus of the project is reducing sediment and nutrient loads in the Buffalo National River by working with interested landowners to develop on-farm conservation practices like riparian fencing, pasture management, reforestation, stream restoration, unpaved roads improvements, and more. Workshops will be provided on grazing lands, unpaved roads, and streamside management.

The partnership between local Cattlemen’s Association, Farm Bureau, Greater Searcy County Chamber of Commerce, Buffalo Conservation District and others, was key in developing a proposal that addresses local challenges and provides a foundation for continued collaboration throughout the watershed.

The Nature Conservancy will contribute more than $1 million to the effort in addition to large contributions from the Arkansas Natural Resources Division, Game and Fish Commission, Forestry Division, Buffalo River Foundation and others.

This is a great opportunity to provide landowners and agriculture producers with additional tools and resources to address on-farm challenges with positive economic outcomes that benefit water.

It is an honor to represent you as your congressman.

Representative French Hill
Representative French Hill
Office Locations
Washington, DC Office
1533 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2506
Fax: (202) 225-5903
Conway Office
1105 Deer Street, Suite 12
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: (501) 358-3481
Fax: (501) 358-3494
Little Rock Office
1501 N. University Ave., Suite 630
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 324-5941
Fax: (501) 324-6029
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