Dear Friends,
Today, I stood with my colleagues in the House to pass a bill that will bring relief to Arkansas’s families and businesses as we deal with one of the greatest crises in our lifetimes.
The health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is unprecedented in our lifetimes. We are seeing the number of cases rise throughout the country, including in Arkansas.
I have spent the last two weeks in constant communication with Governor Asa Hutchinson and his team, as well as representatives and workers from nearly every industry in Arkansas. I want to thank our hospitals, first responders, and business leaders for their compassionate work and perseverance during these trying times. Federal relief is critical to defeat this virus and to prevent our businesses from going under.
It is for these reasons that my colleagues and I joined together today to pass the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and send it to the president’s desk for his signature. This bill provides economic assistance to Arkansas’s families, hospitals, and businesses that have been negatively affected by COVID-19.
To watch my remarks on the House floor today in support of the CARES Act, click HERE or on the image below.
I wanted to share some of the key provisions of this legislation and how they will affect Arkansas families and businesses.
If you or someone you know has inquiries, or needs help with a government agency-specific question, please contact me at or at (501) 324-5941.
Supporting Working Families
Direct Payments to Americans:
The majority of Americans will qualify for direct financial assistance to help get them through this difficult time.
Individuals making below $75,000 will receive $1,200 and married couples filing taxes jointly will receive $2,400. In addition, they will receive $500 for each eligible child.
Individuals making above $75,000, heads of household (if you are a single parent for example) making above $112,500, and couples making more than $150,000 combined will receive a phased down amount. For individuals with no children, the "cut-off" income amount is $99,000, and $198,000 for married couples.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has stated that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could begin issuing these payments as soon as three weeks from the bill’s passage.
What we do know is that the process will be faster for people who have direct deposit information on file at the IRS. Those who do not will have to wait for paper checks to arrive in the mail.
Beware: The IRS will NOT call, email, or text you to ask for your social security number or other personal information. If you receive a call like this, it is a scam. Report it to the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office at or (800) 482-8982.
The IRS will provide updated information HERE regarding the direct payments.
Student Loan Payments:
In response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the president has already directed the Department of Education to cut the federal student loan interest rate to 0% and has halted collections on defaulted public and private student loans.
In addition, the bill automatically suspends federal student loan payments until September 30, 2020. If you borrowed from the federal government to cover your student payments (also known as a "direct loan") in the last ten years, you are eligible for this suspension.
It is important to note that older Federal Family Educational Loans (F.F.E.L.) that the Department of Education does not own are not eligible, nor are Perkins loans, loans from state agencies, or loans from private lenders like Discover, Sallie Mae, and Wells Fargo.
Furthermore, the CARES Act incentivizes employers to give employees $5,200 per year toward their student loans. Employees will no longer have to pay a tax on the amount given towards their student loans.
Unemployment Benefits:
As many businesses close to adhere to social distancing policies, employees of those companies have lost income. To help those finding themselves without a job through no fault of their own, this bill extends unemployment benefits to more employees, helps them for longer, and provides a greater cushion to help them get to the other side. This new federal unemployment benefit will help bridge the gap between what a worker would receive as a paycheck and the amount that states offer in unemployment benefits.
The new bill would wrap in far more workers than are usually eligible for unemployment benefits, including self-employed people and part-time workers. If you are self-employed, employed in the "gig economy" such as driving for Uber, or partially employed, you are now eligible for these federal employment benefits during this unprecedented public health crisis.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are awaiting a result for a test and have become unemployed as a result, you are eligible for federal unemployment benefits under this legislation. This also applies if you are the primary caretaker for a member of your family or household who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Arkansas provides unemployment benefits for a maximum of 16 weeks. The new provisions add up to $600 dollars per week to your benefits and extends the time you can receive them by 13 weeks.
The bottom-line: Those who are unemployed, partially unemployed or who cannot work for a wide variety of coronavirus-related reasons would be more likely to receive benefits.
To apply, your first step is to fill out an application HERE.
Reinforcing Health Care
This historic legislation provides much-needed support to our health care workers and infrastructure. Some of the most important include:
· Ensuring Arkansas hospitals can keep their doors open to help patients by:
o Delaying cuts to Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals.
o Giving hospitals that treat COVID-19 patients a 20% increase in their Medicare reimbursement.
· Allocating $127 billion for medical response efforts including:
o $11 billion for vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics.
o $16 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile.
· Allocating $19.6 billion for veterans health care:
o $14.4 billion to support an increased need for healthcare services at VA facilities, including the purchase of medical equipment, supplies, testing kits, and personal protective equipment.
· Allocating $4.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
o $1.5 billion for state and local preparedness and response grants.
o $500 million to enhance public health surveillance.
Each of these provisions will ensure that Arkansans have access to the care that they need to stay safe and to stay healthy.
Supporting Arkansas Businesses
The CARES Act creates the Paycheck Protection Program which provides $350 billion for 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses and 501(c)3s, allocates up to $500 billion to provide loan and loan guarantees to companies of all sizes, and provides a variety of measures to supply temporary relief to our financial institutions, making it easier to extend credit to American consumers and businesses that need it most.
On March 20, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA) approved Governor Hutchinson’s disaster declaration request for economic injury as a result of the novel coronavirus.
This means that small businesses in central Arkansas and throughout the state can start applying for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) immediately. These loans are designed to help businesses that are losing revenue due to federal, state, and local measures about COVID-19.
Click HERE to apply for these loans now that the declaration has been made official. If you are not a small business owner but would like to help, please share this information with your friends, family, and the local businesses that you frequent.
Extensions During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
In order to protect Arkansans who test positive for COVID-19 and can no longer afford their health insurance, I was proud to join the Arkansas congressional delegation in sending a letter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services requesting he waive a federal statute mandating insurers issue delinquency notices to and cancel coverage for consumers who have missed health insurance premium payments.
I was pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) took swift action to give states flexibility during this public health crisis. Similar to flexibility CMS has provided during previous major emergencies, namely FEMA-declared emergencies and disasters, CMS will exercise enforcement discretion for lack of plan cancellation due to delinquent payment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I applaud CMS for exercising enforcement discretion with regard to this mandate during these difficult times, and I remain committed to advocating for those who have been negatively affected by this virus. I also thank the Arkansas Insurance Department for taking the initiative to prohibit plan cancellation for those infected with COVID-19 and alerting the Arkansas congressional delegation to the conflict with federal regulations.
For more information on this action, click HERE or on the image below.
Congressman Hill on MSNBC |
Discussing COVID-19 Relief |
Government partnering with medical experts and health professionals is creating a force multiplier that will enable us to overcome this crisis together.
Yesterday, I spoke with MSNBC's Yasmin Vossoughian about my expectation that the House will swiftly pass the CARES Act, which passed the House today.
To watch click HERE or on the image below.
Sunday, March 29 is National Vietnam War Veterans Day |
Veterans Can Attend Virtual Events to Honor our Heroes |
Many of our brave Vietnam veterans did not receive a "welcome home" and a "thank you" when they returned to America after serving their country. This Sunday on National Vietnam War Veterans Day, take the opportunity to thank one of our Vietnam-era veterans and tell them how much you appreciate their service and sacrifice for our country. With the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, many events have had to be rescheduled or canceled, but some are still being held online. Below are some of the events that you can watch or participate in.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund will host an online commemoration March 29 with a live webcast and messages of thanks HERE.
Record a short video and upload it by Friday, March 27, and then watch the event online on March 29 at 1:00 pm ET. Veterans can also leave a written message HERE.
To watch one Vietnam veteran's reflection on his experience, click HERE or on the image below.
The Department of Veterans Affairs will also release two short videos on Facebook HERE, on Twitter HERE, and Instagram HERE.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars will have a virtual event on March 29 on their Facebook page HERE. I encourage you to share your appreciation for Vietnam veterans by liking and sharing the event.
The Vietnam Veterans of America, or VVA, wants to see photos, poems, artwork and music on their Facebook page HERE, on March 27. The comment with the most “likes” will win a prize from the national office.
On March 29, Vietnam veterans can share their service photos on the VVA Facebook page, HERE, as the nation remembers heroes for their service and sacrifice.
Vietnam veterans can share their favorite C-Ration recipe or meal on the VVA Facebook page, HERE, on March 30. The winner with the most “likes” will win a prize from the national office.
Many of the veterans that my office assists served during the Vietnam War era. If you or anyone you know needs help with the VA or any other federal agency, my team of central Arkansas veterans stands at the ready to help. Contact me at, or call my Little Rock office at 501-324-5941.
Representative French Hill