District Update | May 6, 2019
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Dear Friends,
I recently returned from a meeting in Tokyo where members of Congress and Japanese officials discussed the north Asian security situation, our plans for a bilateral trade agreement between the United States and Japan, and the importance of continued progress on developing cleaner sources of energy. Meeting with Japanese leaders gave me some unique insights on how other countries are approaching climate change on the international stage. 

Rep. Hill meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, in March in Tokyo, Japan. 

Since the catastrophic flooding from the Fukushima nuclear plant as a result of the March 2011 tidal wave, Japan is slowly but surely recommitting to nuclear power. They anticipate returning nuclear generation in about 25 sites in the country. This would produce about one-third of Japan's base power needs.

Personally, I'm a strong supporter of nuclear energy because it is the cleanest, most green form of base power generation. I also support proper storage for nuclear waste as well as investing in new technology that improves the nuclear generation capacity while producing a fraction of the waste. Any discussion of eliminating carbon emissions must include utilizing nuclear energy.

The "Green New Deal" was the subject of our discussions in Tokyo as well. This plan is an impractical, unachievable set of far-left proposals. In the original draft summary, the Green New Deal would ban all nuclear energy, require every building in the United States to be reconstructed, and offer welfare payments to people who don't have an interest in working.

We also discussed the Paris Climate Accord that was negotiated by President Obama in 2016. President Trump pulled the United States out of this agreement last year because it did not meet the objectives of reducing carbon emissions or accomplishing any reduction in projected global temperature changes. Instead, the Paris Climate Accord placed our country at a severe disadvantage economically by hamstringing our technological innovation while dramatically increasing the cost of energy production.

As you can see in the chart above, the United States is leading the world in reducing our share of global carbon emissions. Between 2000 and 2014, the United States reduced emissions more than 18%.

We continue to develop and export clean, American energy technologies. The Paris Climate Accord let the world’s largest carbon emitters, like China and India, off the hook by not having to take any measurable reduction until the year 2030. This makes no sense.

Take a look at the following chart as it relates to letting the largest, most inefficient polluters off the hook. The chart below is from a presentation by the Japanese Ministry for the environment that I attended in Tokyo. It shows how successful countries have reduced their carbon emissions, and it outlines the increased marginal costs of pursuing additional carbon elimination.

The countries at the bottom of the chart have done nothing to clean up their carbon emissions despite having the lowest marginal cost to do so. However, the Paris Climate Accord gave these countries no requirement to reduce their carbon emissions for another ten years. In the meantime, China is building or planning more than 300 new coal plants.

Three years after the Paris Climate Accord, not a single country in the European Union is on target to meet their carbon reduction goals. The United Nations reported last November that every single country in Europe would have to triple their efforts to meet the arbitrary carbon reduction standards agreed upon at the Paris Accord.  

Furthermore, President Obama's commitments on the Paris Climate Accord were not subjected to any cost-benefit analysis determining how it would impact the U.S. economy. The president unilaterally accepted the Paris Climate Accord rather than submitting it to the U.S. Senate for their advice and consent. This resulted in a flawed process and even worse policy by undermining America's economic position, limiting our contributions to environmental improvements, and hurting American workers.

me be perfectly clear, climate change is real, but the proposals put forward by Democrats, like the Green New Deal and returning to the Paris Climate Accord, are fiction. The reality is, America is already a global leader in pursuing cleaner production of energy and reducing carbon emissions.

Addressing climate change should include investing in longer battery life technologies, lowering barriers for solar cell innovation, and pursuing cleaner, more cost-effective methods to use nuclear energy. The future of clean energy rests with harnessing the power of the sun and being able to store that power cheaply and portably. No one is doing more research on this than in the United States

I believe that we need to continue pursuing an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that leads to a cleaner, less carbon-dependent future without forcing Arkansas families to bear the burden of the flawed Paris Climate Accord.

Representative French Hill
Representative French Hill

Congressional Art competition winners

Since 1982, the Congressional Art Competition has served as an opportunity for students to explore and pursue their creative abilities. Today, there are countless Americans who launched their careers in the arts by participating in this competition.

I continue to be impressed by how much artistic talent we have throughout central Arkansas high schools, and I'm proud of all 57 students who submitted their work.

In 1st Place (pictured below) from Pulaski Academy – Meg Bat-Ulzii – for her work entitled, “Foreshortened Self-Portrait.”

As the first place winner, Meg Bat-Ulziiwill will receive two round-trip tickets to Washington, D.C., and attend a ceremony this summer in the Capitol Visitor Center recognizing winners from all 435 Congressional districts. Additionally, she will be eligible for a scholarship to the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah Georgia.

2nd Place (pictured below) from Vilonia High School – Haley Chandler – for her work entitled, "Autophobia." 

3rd Place (pictured below) from Episcopal Collegiate School – Hannah Jackson – for her work entitled, “Springtime Friend.”

The Facebook Fan Favorite (pictured below) from Vilonia High School with 248 likes – Marlee Lamoreaux  for her work entitled, "Spectrum of Perception." 

Thank you for taking time to keep up with the work I'm doing on your behalf. If I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please reach out to my office at (501) 324-5941 or Hill.House.Gov

To keep up with my day-to-day meetings and events, please follow me on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.

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