Dear Friends,
Thank you for allowing me to represent you in Washington. I am proud of the work of the House to deliver on our promises to Arkansas and American families.
Good Economic News
On Friday, we got more good news about how the American economy continues to strengthen and Arkansans' paychecks continue to grow. In August, the United States added 201,000 jobs and the unemployment rate held steady at 3.9 percent.
We are seeing tremendous economic growth with more jobs available than workers to fill them since the House passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017. You and your family have more money in your pocket to spend on what's important to you.
Pictured: Rep. Hill with 2017 App Challenge Winner, Anne Li, and Nancy Rousseau, Principal of Little Rock Central High School, at the Innovation Hub in Little Rock.
It’s that time of year again – time for the Congressional App Challenge. It’s a superb way to get students to use their creativity to participate and pursue education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Each year, the House sponsors a competition for high school students across the country to come up with new and innovative software applications, or "apps," for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice. Each Member of Congress hosts the competition in their congressional district, which is followed by an all expense paid awards reception in Washington, D.C.
I am honored to be the Co-Chair of this year’s competition.
Submissions are due to my office by October 10, 2018. To participate, students must submit videos talking about what their app does or what their app will do. Apps will be judged by a panel of individuals within the academic, software and entrepreneurial fields. The winning student’s app will be featured on the U.S. House of Representative’s website, as well as on display in a U.S. Capitol exhibit. Students may register as a team or as an individual. To register and to submit your app, click here.
For more information, please contact Chloe Maxwell in my Little Rock office by phone at (501) 324-5941 or by email at
Supporting Health Care Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions
As we continue working in Congress to deliver better health care options for families, let’s set the record straight. I support and have always supported protecting health insurance coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. And, this was a key provision of the American Health Care Act that we passed in the House last year with my vote. Nothing has changed in the House or with my support for this provision. Here are the facts.
Providing Financial Counseling for Students
I am proud of the House’s work this week on behalf of families and students struggling with student debt. We passed an important bill, the Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act, which requires borrowers to take annual financial counseling. I have long said that the lack of financial education connected to the use of student loans is one of the leading factors causing students and families to get in over their heads. With this bill, we are promoting financial literacy for students and to ensure they understand more fully the costs of taking student loans and the impact they can have on their future.
Supporting Arkansas's Economy
Pictured: Rep. Hill with Dean Elliott (left), Director of Governmental Affairs for Dillard’s, Inc. in Arkansas, and David French (right), Senior Vice President of Government Relations at NRF.
I was humbled to receive the “Hero of Main Street” award this week from the National Retail Federation (NRF) for consistently supporting public policy priorities important to the retail industry and its millions of small businesses.
I have proudly supported tax reform, legislation to right-size regulations, skilled workforce development, and more – all of which has helped spur on our small businesses on Main Street here at home. I appreciate the NRF recognizing me for this award.
Thank you for taking time to keep up with the work I'm doing on your behalf. If I can be any assistance to you or your family, please reach out to my office at (501) 324-5941 or go to my website at
Representative French Hill