Mental Healthcare Reform Can Be Hallmark Legislation for this Congress
On Thursday, Rep. Hill wrote an op-ed for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette about critical mental health care reform legislation that was signed into law by the president this week.
Progress is vital to the future of any nation, especially one that is in constant competition to maintain its designation as the greatest in the world.
For the last century, America has been the leader in global progress.
Our space program produced the first lunar landing, and our pursuit of that endeavor birthed a generation of unthinkable and rapid technological advancement. Our scientists, doctors, and researchers have developed vaccines, cures, and treatments that have eradicated deadly diseases or turned them into minor afflictions.
This is the mark of a great society. But a society that wants to remain great must always identify its weaknesses and create long-term solutions to move beyond any major roadblock. Tragically, one area where we have failed to achieve much progress over the past few decades is addressing our nation's mental health crisis. The last major mental health reform happened during the Kennedy administration, meaning 50 years of limited advancement in assuring quality access to mental health care for the millions of Americans suffering from mental illness.
Too many Americans have seen someone in their own lives suffer from a debilitating mental illness. The true scope of this crisis is not just in the anecdotal stories told by those who have watched in horror as loved ones fail to get the help they need; the statistical data paint an even bleaker picture for how deeply this problem runs.
One in five Americans struggle with some form of a mental illness. Ten million Americans suffer from a serious mental illness--four million of whom receive no treatment. Making the situation even more grim is that mental illness manifests at young enough ages where rehabilitation and treatment should be attainable.
Our failure in addressing this problem has poisoned the lives of millions of people and robbed them of tools needed to overcome their afflictions and become productive members of society.
In addition, those who suffer from untreated severe mental illness are increasingly more likely to carry out violent crimes. Instead of getting the help they need, so many people end up leading troubled lives, serving time in jail, or dead at their own hands. Local jails house 10 times more people with mental illness than do psychiatric hospitals.
There are over 40,000 suicides annually (nearly 8,000 are our veterans). That is one almost every 12 minutes, and it is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States.
Two-thirds of gun deaths in this country are suicides. While there are no data to contextualize the percentage of mass shootings carried out by those who are mentally ill, we know that in some of the most horrifying mass shootings in recent American history--Tucson, Sandy Hook, Aurora--the perpetrators suffered from some form of mental illness.
These are sobering statistics that should make us sick to our stomachs and that should activate change.
That isn't representative of the America that put a man on the moon. That is not our shining city on a hill. This is a weakened version of the America we know.
However, last week, as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, Congress repackaged our major mental health reform care bill that addresses many of the shortcomings in our mental health-care system.
Click here to read the rest of Rep. Hill's op-ed.