Dear Friend,
Today is Veterans Day, a day where we recognize and honor the brave men and women who bravely served our country. This day originated in 1919, to commemorate the armistice ending World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
I am proud to serve central Arkansans as your representative to Congress in Washington, D.C., and I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to those who served.
On my team I have three combat vets dedicated to assisting veterans with matters before the VA and other federal agencies to ensure you get the benefits you have earned and deserve.
So far in 2021, we have returned back to central Arkansas veterans over $2.1 million, and we can help you.
If you or someone you know is a veteran who needs help with the VA or other veteran-related issues, please reach out to my Little Rock office at (501) 324-5941, or via my website at
This Veterans Day, I hope you will join me in thanking the veterans around you for their service to our nation.
The United States is the greatest nation in the world, and it is because of our brave men and women in uniform who protect us, and our freedoms, each and every day.