Dear Friends,
The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented public health crisis, and now more than ever we need to work together to overcome this challenge as neighbors, as Arkansans and as Americans.
On Saturday, I joined Governor Asa Hutchinson during his daily COVID-19 briefing to share information with you regarding the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which passed the House last Friday and was signed into law by the president on the same day.
To watch the entire press conference, click HERE or on the image below.
This emergency relief act provides economic assistance to Arkansas families, hospitals, and businesses that have been affected by COVID-19.
Some of the key provisions include:
Direct Payments to Americans:
The majority of Americans will qualify for direct financial assistance to help get them through this difficult time.
Individuals making below $75,000 will receive $1,200 and married couples filing taxes jointly will receive $2,400. In addition, they will receive $500 for each eligible child.
Student Loan Payments Suspension:
In response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the president has already directed the Department of Education to cut the federal student loan interest rate to 0% and has halted collections on defaulted public and private student loans.
The CARES Act automatically suspends federal student loan payments until September 30, 2020. If you borrowed from the federal government to cover your student payments (also known as a "direct loan") in the last ten years, you are eligible for this suspension.
In addition, a great new benefit of the CARES Act is that employers can now conribute $5,250 per year to help their employees pay off their student loans, which will not be taxed for the employee.
Unemployment Benefits:
To help those finding themselves without a job due to the effects of COVID-19 on businesses, the CARES Act extends unemployment benefits to more employees, helps them for longer, and provides a greater cushion to help them get to the other side. This new federal unemployment benefit will help bridge the gap between what a worker would receive as a paycheck and the amount that states offer in unemployment benefits.
Arkansas provides unemployment benefits for a maximum of 16 weeks. The CARES Act adds up to $600 dollars per week to your benefits for up to four months and extends the time you can receive benefits by 13 weeks.
Reinforcing Health Care:
The CARES Act ensures Arkansas hospitals can keep their doors open to help patients by: (1) Delaying cuts to Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals; (2) giving hospitals that treat COVID-19 patients a 20% increase in their Medicare reimbursement.
It also allocates $127 billion for medical response efforts including: (1) $11 billion for vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics; (2) $16 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile.
The CARES Act allocates $19.6 billion for veterans health care, including $14.4 billion to support an increased need for healthcare services at VA facilities, including the purchase of medical equipment, supplies, testing kits, and personal protective equipment.
It also allocates $4.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: (1) $1.5 billion for state and local preparedness and response grants; (2) $500 million to enhance public health surveillance.
Supporting Arkansas Businesses
The CARES Act creates the Paycheck Protection Program which provides $350 billion for 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses and 501(c)3s, allocates up to $500 billion to provide loan and loan guarantees to companies of all sizes, and provides a variety of measures to supply temporary relief to our financial institutions, making it easier to extend credit to American consumers and businesses that need it most.
On March 20, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA) approved Governor Hutchinson’s disaster declaration request for economic injury as a result of the novel coronavirus.
This means that small businesses in central Arkansas and throughout the state can start applying for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) now. Click HERE to apply for these loans now that the declaration has been made official
For more information regarding the CARES Act, please visit my webpage HERE. If you need assistance accessing any of the federal provisions included in the CARES Act, such as SBA loans, please feel free to reach out at or call my Little Rock office at (501) 324-5941.
Today is National Doctor Appreciation Day |
Saying Thank You During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis |
I thank all of our doctors and healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst this public health crisis, our doctors are working tirelessly to treat patients who have contracted the virus, putting their own health at risk to do so. Please join me in expressing our extreme gratitude for their service during this trying time.
central Arkansans Helping their community |
Manufacturers Answering the Call During the COVID-19 Outbreak |
Two weeks ago, we sent out an “All Call” through the central Arkansas Chambers of Commerce, identifying high-priority items and asking who might have the capacity to produce these high-priority items.
And central Arkansas answered the call.
My team and I were able to connect more than three dozen companies with the appropriate state, local, or federal agency.
If you or your company have the capacity to produce or to provide high-priority items, including personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, face shields, gowns, cotton swabs, and other materials, please email the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC).
The email address is, and they are checking this email constantly.
Honoring our Vietnam veterans |
Thanking Our Heroes for Their Service |
Many of our brave Vietnam veterans did not receive a "welcome home" and a "thank you" when they returned to America after serving their country.
This Sunday was National Vietnam War Veterans Day, and I took that opportunity to say thank you once again to our Vietnam-era veterans and tell them how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice to our country. To watch my message thanking our heroes, click HERE or on the image below.
Every day is a good day to recognize our heroes, so if you know a veteran, reach out with a phone call, a text message, or even a handwritten letter. As we all practice social distancing to help "flatten the curve" we should not forget our loved ones and those who could use an encouraging word.
If you are a veteran and need help with your VA benefits, contact my office at Hill.House.Gov or call (501) 324-5941.
Discussing COVID-19 on Capitol View |
How the CARES Act Will Help Arkansans |
This Sunday, I joined Jay Bir on KARK 4 News' "Capitol View" to discuss how Congress is addressing the COVID-19 outbreak and how the CARES Act will help Arkansans in the coming weeks to cope with this unprecedented public health crisis.
Watch the full interview HERE or by clicking on the image below for information about the different provisions that this law provides.
Much Damage, No Loss of Life |
This Sunday, a powerful tornado tore through Jonesboro, causing hundreds of millions in property damage, and injuring 22 Arkansans. Thankfully, no one was killed or suffered life-threatening injuries.
I have been inspired by the scenes of neighbors helping one another. The best of Arkansas is seen in the hardest of times. Rep. Rick Crawford, first responders, and the entire Jonesboro community are in our prayers.
To read more, click HERE or on the image below.
Representative French Hill