Dear Friends,
Earlier this month, along with my colleagues on the House Financial Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, I went on a Congressional Delegation trip to the Republic of Congo and Egypt to meet with leaders in these two countries to discuss their commitment to fighting terror groups like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.
In Egypt, our group met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to discuss what strategies are required to create a strong global coalition to defeat these groups. President el-Sisi is one of the strongest voices in the Arab World for reformation of Islam and ending the concept of Jihad, and it was a worthwhile experience to meet the leader of our great ally in that region.
During our brief stay in Egypt, we walked through the bazaar in Cairo on a Friday night, and I was taken with the similarities between a Friday night in the US and a Friday night in Egypt. We Americans work hard. We work hard every day of the week, and we love Friday. We love Fridays so much that we say: Thank God it's Friday. Over the years, TGIF has become not only something that everyone in our country who works hard recognizes, but it became the name of a popular restaurant.
And in Egypt, I saw that same joyous, happy experience of families sharing their successes of the week: celebrating a great soccer victory; clapping to wonderful, warm local music; and witnessing the squealing of their kids running around their parents, celebrating a birthday or just a good week at work or school.
My trip to Egypt was marked not just with witnessing the joy of Egyptian family life and seeing and sharing what we have in common. It was a reminder that the 91 million Egyptians are on the front line of the global war on terror, a war that unites the leadership of Egypt and the United States arm-in-arm to design and implement the most effective strategies we can to defeat the malevolent evil enemy of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and their bloody cohorts across the globe.
In my view, after the approach of the past eight years, our enemies are stronger and engaged more broadly than ever before. Nothing has driven this point home more than a visit in Cairo to the St. Peter and St. Paul's Coptic Church.
Located on the plaza adjacent to the offices of His Holiness Coptic Pope Tawadros II, there was joy there last Saturday morning listening to the chants of the priests, the reverence of the families in the pews, the kids again squealing and smiling in their parents' arms.
Rep. Hill with His Holiness Coptic Pope Tawadros II in Cairo. |
However, on the periphery of that joy was a stark reminder of the destruction there on December 11, when a male ISIS jihadist suicide bomber entered that church disguised as a woman and detonated his vest, murdering 25, mostly women, splattering the walls and the floors of God's House with their blood.
This past weekend, news reports surfaced detailing Egypt's Coptic Christian families having to flee the North Sinai province after an increase in attacks from jihadists.
These tragedies are a reminder that whether it takes three months or 30 years, we can't rest until we unify the civilized world to reject jihad, reject the terror we saw at St. Peter and St. Paul's Church in Cairo and are seeing now in Sinai. We need to condemn those who condone it. We need to condemn those who finance it. We need to reject it when we see it taught in the mosque. We need to reject it on Facebook. We need to reject it in the media. We must condemn those who say it is wrong but stand silent.
Representative French Hill
News for the Week
U.S. Rep. Hill: Congress must oversee executive branch
Talk Business
State entrepreneur tells of plight
US Chamber, French Hill: Less Regulation Will Boost Economic Growth
Arkansas Business
Rep. French Hill introduces bill that looks to help historically black colleges, ex-offenders
Two tell group of regulatory chill on growth
Photos for the Week
Rep. Hill meeting with S.H.E. Indian Women's Organization to discuss the Trump Administration pending executive order on travel and refugees as well as other immigration topics affecting international students and professionals working in America. |
Rep. Hill speaking at the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce about reforms that could help grow America's economy. |
Tour of Frederick Douglass's Washington Home
On Friday, Rep. Hill toured the home of Frederick Douglass. Following the visit, Rep. Hill stated:
"22 years ago this week, extraordinary American, Frederick Douglass died in his beloved home of Cedar Hill, over looking the Nation's Capital. Martha and I visited this historic site to commemorate his rise from his 1818 birth into slavery to the heights of fame and accomplishment.
"His story is a wholly American narrative that offers hope and inspiration to us five generations later."
Rep. Hill at the historic home of Frederick Douglass in Washington D.C.
Mobile Office Hours
This week, staff for Rep. Hill will host mobile office hours at seven different locations across the Second Congressional District. The mobile office hours will take place in the following counties: White, Pulaski, Saline, Van Buren, Faulkner, Perry, and Conway.
Mobile office hours are an opportunity to serve constituents who can’t easily access the Congressman’s Little Rock and Conway offices. Constituents can work with staff to help resolve any issues they are having with the federal government—especially veterans in need of guidance on how to receive benefits.
To see the list of mobile office hours, click here.
Summer Internships
Rep. Hill is looking for summer interns in his Washington, D.C.; Little Rock, AR; and Conway, AR offices. Interns will work in a fast-paced environment, gaining valuable exposure and knowledge of the legislative process and the U.S. Congress.
Washington, D.C. Intern Responsibilities
Include greeting constituents, answering constituent phone calls, opening and sorting mail, guiding U.S. Capitol building tours, and assisting staff with administrative tasks. Interns also will have the opportunity to conduct legislative research and assist with correspondence, as well as attend Capitol Hill briefings, congressional hearings, and press events. Social media and other communications experience is a plus.
District Office Intern Responsibilities
Include answering phones; organizing, distributing, and inputting mail; assisting staff with casework and constituent outreach. Qualified individuals will display strong writing skills and attention to detail.
Applicants for both the D.C. and district offices should have a working knowledge of current events and policy topics, as well as a willingness to assist with daily office tasks.
Those interested should please send a resume and cover letter to ar02.applications@
Protecting Small Business Against Bad Regulatory Policy
Senator John Boozman, Senator Tom Cotton and Rep. Hill (AR-02) introduced the Children’s Consignment Event Recognition Act. The legislation would prevent children’s consignment business owners from unnecessary and burdensome Department of Labor (DOL) regulations. The bill would provide an exemption for volunteers at children’s consignment events from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA).
Following introduction of the bill, Rep. Hill stated:
“In situations where federal regulations unduly impact groups or businesses, we need to find ways to reverse that harm. While the Fair Labor Standards Act is well-intended, there are clearly instances in which enforcing it makes no sense. These children’s consignment events that are designed to help parents find affordable clothing for their kids fall into that category. I appreciate Senator Boozman's and Senator Cotton’s leadership on this issue, and I look forward to working with them to create an exemption to the FLSA for consignment events like Rhea Lana’s."
Rep. Hill with Rhea Lana Riner prior to her testimony in front of the House Education and the Workforce Committee's Subcommittee on Workforce Protections.